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Little Missy's Travel Adventures and the Beginnings of Autumn!

Yes, Autumn has come to San Francisco! And yet Little Missy and Carolyne Zinko, editor in chief of the esteemed Silicon Valley Modern Luxury, lifestyle magazine for the Tech Elite, had the privilege of experiencing the beginnings of Springtime in Australia!

Early Spring Night in Sydney

Sydney reminded me of an optimistic, fresh version of San Francisco. I could live there in a heart beat. No guns, great food, great weather...what is NOT to love?

Beauty everywhere you look in Sydney--I mean look at this!

The famous Sydney Opera House did not disappoint! The architecture is thrilling!

A secret garden in Sydney enchanted us.

Sunset in Sydney with Silicon Valley Modern Luxury editor in chief Carolyne Zinko.

If I didn't come home, who could blame me?

But I did come home and here I am about to leave for the San Francisco Fall Show in my new Richard Quinn coat. I'm trying to get my daughter and son in law to emigrate to Australia. They already live in Abu Dhabi and that's so far they might as well live in beautiful Sydney! My daughter Lexi called me in Australia and said she could tell from my Instagram posts that I was in love with the country, and I told her she should emigrate and my grandchildren could have Australian accents and not live in fear of mass shootings! And I could visit them.

BTW, the nonstop trip from San Francisco to Sydney is only about 14 hours and you sleep the whole time (if you are lucky which Zinko and I were). So put Sydney on your travel agendas! The city is fabulous! Next post I will tell you about the Outback! Kangaroos and other marsupials galore!

Lots of love and happy Autumn,

Little Missy



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